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Technology behind
Hybrid Fuel
Why was this product developed?
Maximise reliability
Reduce emissions
Protect assets
Provide efficiency and a cost saving
Improve fuel storage for better quality of fuel
The 7 key elements that sets us apart from the rest:
Cetane Improver
Injector Cleaner
Upper Cylinder Lubricant
Fuel stability additive (rust inhibitor)
Dose rate 1:2000
Features and Benefits:
Improved fuel system residual flow
Reduced fuel system wear through improved lubrication
Maximum equipment reliability (rust/corrosion inhibitor)
Significantly reduced fuel water tolerance
Reduced fuel foaming capacity
A biocide to kill and prevent microbial growth
Lower engine oil loading, thickening and filter plugging
Improved air fuel mixing
Improved engine start up and idle
Improved engine power
Reduced Emissions
Reduced fuel consumption
Reduced servicing costs (repairs and maintenance)
Occupational Health and Safety improvements
© Hybrid Fuel Technology New Zealand Ltd. All rights reserved. 2013
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